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Ta的回复 :501 Before you utter this word, mind you rinse your mouths with clear water or fragrant tea. 502 If you don't, your teeth will grow crooked and rip through your cheeks. 503 He had a fearful temper and could be incredibly stubborn and obstreperous. 504 But as soon as classes were over and he joined the girls he became a different person --- amiable, sensible and gentle. 505 Because of this, his father thrashed him within an inch of his life, but still that didn't change him. 506 When the pain became too much for him, he would start yelling, Sister! Little Sister!' 507 Once the girls in the inner chambers teased him saying. 508 Why do you call us when you're being beaten? 509 Do you want us to beg you off? 510 For shame! 511 The first time I called I didn't know it would ease the pain. 512 But then I discovered that it worked like magic. 513 So when the pain's worst, I keep on calling Sister. 514 Have you ever heard anything so ludicrous? 515 His grandmother indulged him so unwisely that she was often rude to his tutor or blamed her son. 516 That's why I resigned from that post. 517 A boy like that is bound to lose the property he inherits and won't benefit by the advice of teachers and friends. 518 The pity is, all the girls in his family are admirable. 519 The three girls in the Jia family aren't bad either. 520 Jia Zheng's elder daughter Yuanchun was chosen to be a Lady-Clerk in the palace of the heir apparent because of her goodness, filial piety and talents.
Ta的回复 :521 The second, Yingchun, is Jia She's daughter by a concubine. 522 The third, Tanchun, is Jia Zheng's daughter by a concubine. 523 The fourth, Xichun, is the younger sister of Jia Zhen of the Ning Mansion. 524 The Lady Dowager is so attached to these grand-daughters that she makes them study in the Rong Mansion near her, and I hear good reports of them all. 525 I prefer the Zhen family's way of giving their daughters the same sort of names as boys instead of choosing flowery names meaning Spring, Red, Fragrant, or Jade. 526 How could the Jia family sink to such vulgarity? 527 You don't understand. 528 They named the eldest girl Yuanchuns because she was born on New Year's Day, and so the others have chun in their names too. 529 But all the girls of the last generation had names like those of boys. 530 For proof, look at the wife of your respected employer Mr. Lin, the sister of Jia She and Jia Zheng in the Rong Mansion. 531 Her name, before she married, was Jia Min. 532 If you don't believe me, check up when you go back. 533 No wonder my pupil always pronounces mm as mi and writes it with one or two strokes missing. 534 That puzzled me, but now you've explained the reason. 535 And no wonder she talks and behaves so differently from the general run of young ladies nowadays. 536 I suspected she must have had an unusual mother. 537 If she's a grand-daughter of the Rong family that explains it. 538 What a pity that her mother died last month. 539 She was the youngest of four sisters, but now she's gone too. 540 Not one of those sisters is left.
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :541 只看这小一辈的,将来的东床何如呢。 542 正是。 543 方才说政公已有一个衔玉之子,又有长子所遗弱孙。 544 这赦老竟无一个不成? 545 政公既有玉儿之后,其妾又生了一个,倒不知其好歹。 546 只眼前现有二子一孙。 547 却不知将来何如。 548 贾琏,今已二十多岁了。 549 娶的是政老爷夫人王氏内侄女。 550 这位琏爷身上现捐了个同知,也是不喜正务的,于世路上好机变,言谈去得,所以目今现在乃叔政老爷家住,帮着料理家务。 551 谁知自娶了这位奶奶之后,倒上下无人不称颂他的夫人,琏爷倒退了一舍之地。 552 模样又极标致,言谈又爽利。 553 心机又极深细,竟是个男人万不及一的。 554 可知我言不谬了。 555 你我方才所说的这几个人,只怕都是那正邪两赋而来一路之人。 556 正也罢,邪也罢。 557 只顾算别人家的账。 558 你也吃杯酒才好。 559 只顾说话,就多吃了几杯。 560 说着别人家的闲话,正好下酒。
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :[图片]
Ta的回复 :561 Why not drink some more? 562 Yucun looked out of the window. 563 It's growing late. 564 They'll soon be closing the city gates. 565 Let's stroll back and continue our conversation in town. 566 With that they paid the bill. 567 They were on the point of leaving when a voice from behind called out 568 Congratulations, Brother Yucun! 569 Yucun turned to look. 570 But to know who it was, you must read the chapter which follows. 571 Chapter 3, Lin Ruhai Recommends a Tutor to His Brother-in-Law, The Lady Dowager Sends for Her Motherless Grand-Daughter 572 Yucun turned and saw that it was Zhang Rugui. 573 His former colleague who had also been dismissed from his post for the same reason as himself. 574 Now there was word from the capital that a request for the reinstatement of former officials had been sanctioned, and he was busily pulling strings to find some opening. 575 Re congratulated Yucun. 576 Once greetings had been exchanged, in telling him the good news. 577 Yucun was naturally overjoyed, but after some hurried remarks each went his own way. 578 Leng Zixing, who had heard everything, at once proposed asking Lin Ruhai to enlist the support of Jia Zheng in the capital. 579 Accepting his advice, Yucun went back alone to verify the report from the Court Gazette. 580 The next day he laid his case before Lin Ruhai.
Ta的回复 :581 What a lucky coincidence! 582 Since my wife's death my mother-in-law in the capital has been worried because my daughter has no one to bring her up. 583 She has sent two boats with male and female attendants to fetch the child, but I delayed her departure while she was unwell. 584 I was wondering how to repay you for your goodness in teaching her. 585 Now this gives me a chance to show my appreciation. 586 I foresaw this possibility and have written a letter to my brother-in-law urging him to do all he can for you as a small return for what I owe you. 587 You mustn't worry either about any expenses that may be incurred --- I've made that point clear to my brother-in-law. 588 Yucun bowed with profuse thanks and asked. 589 May I know your respected brother-in-law's position? 590 I fear I am too uncouth to intrude on him. 591 My humble kinsmen belong to your honourable clan. 592 They're the grandsons of the Duke of Rongguo. 593 My elder brother-in-law Jia She, whose courtesy name is Enhou, is a hereditary general of the first rank. 594 My second, Jia Zheng, whose courtesy name is Cunzhou, is an under-secretary in the Board of Works. 595 He is an unassuming, generous man who takes after his grandfather. 596 That is why I am writing to him on your behalf. 597 If he were some purse-proud, fivolous official I'd be dishonouring your high principles, brother, and I myself would disdain to do such a thing. 598 This confirmed what Zixing had said the previous day, and once more Yucun expressed his thanks. 599 I've chosen the second day of next month for my daughter's departure for the capital. 600 It would suit both parties, surely, if you were to travel together?
Ta的回复 :[图片]