word_sim = fluid.layers.elementwise_mul(center_words_emb, target_words_emb)
word_sim = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(word_sim, dim = -1)
cos_simi = []
cwen, twen = center_words_emb.numpy(), target_words_emb.numpy()
for cwe, twe in zip(cwen, twen):
#cos_simi.append(cosine_similarity([cwe, twe])[0][1])
cos_simi.append(pairwise_distances([cwe, twe],metric="cosine")[0][1])
cos_simi = np.array(cos_simi)
cos_simi = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(cos_simi)
name _generated_var_4, dtype: VarType.FP32 shape: [128] lod: {}
dim: 128
layout: NCHW
dtype: float
data: [1.09309 0.95204 0.952273 0.89564 1.04106 0.959963 0.999314 1.04193 0.940868 1.04073 0.97881 0.93834 0.935314 0.978834 1.0094 1.03479 0.987623 1.04722 0.980403 0.970246 0.994652 0.866643 0.914722 0.921665 1.08021 0.927647 1.01984 0.993656 1.10541 1.07305 1.04776 0.894663 1.07535 0.978069 1.04506 1.09533 0.999264 1.03059 1.10485 0.911649 1.00788 1.01854 0.948804 0.918824 0.956171 1.01934 1.01357 0.906443 0.999934 0.937435 0.930464 0.905384 1.0975 0.930095 0.915911 0.981939 0.930552 0.951365 1.01836 0.936301 0.94974 0.984658 1.03553 0.970266 0.949307 0.963235 0.944142 0.903508 0.893749 0.939145 1.03633 0.980904 0.967058 1.04402 1.04436 0.983846 0.993587 0.988446 0.943637 1.0263 0.864552 0.941066 1.02293 1.04184 1.0407 0.957243 0.958953 0.950395 0.96996 0.841486 0.955255 0.931798 1.04504 1.10637 1.029 1.04081 1.06277 0.89706 1.12735 0.96552 1.08053 1.01276 1.02153 1.04763 1.0594 0.935468 0.979125 0.990572 1.09037 1.12188 1.06681 1.03376 0.932162 1.05503 1.08114 0.99389 1.01611 1.03835 1.08709 0.909373 0.94254 1.06881 1.0028 0.939428 1.02045 0.996419 1.06491 1.02702]
name tmp_3, dtype: VarType.FP32 shape: [128] lod: {}
dim: 128
layout: NCHW
dtype: float
data: [-0.0892933 0.0484201 0.0466774 0.108153 -0.0413855 0.0387186 0.000692869 -0.0435374 0.061526 -0.0416969 0.0223086 0.0617025 0.0656886 0.0214862 -0.00964883 -0.0351711 0.0129902 -0.0475177 0.0191074 0.0310871 0.00522051 0.13347 0.0875304 0.0804459 -0.0820067 0.0706066 -0.0197691 0.00642272 -0.100747 -0.0790353 -0.0482385 0.103857 -0.0739055 0.0218809 -0.0452028 -0.0942113 0.000772853 -0.0297771 -0.103203 0.0942138 -0.00758512 -0.0191907 0.0480328 0.0862864 0.0437371 -0.0192648 -0.0135297 0.0954909 7.06827e-05 0.0637315 0.0720659 0.091651 -0.0964707 0.0657186 0.0916246 0.0177157 0.0748465 0.0459875 -0.0186842 0.0600546 0.0466207 0.0158564 -0.0352678 0.0287785 0.0454609 0.0368144 0.0567448 0.100132 0.10442 0.057532 -0.037015 0.0192375 0.0342264 -0.0442521 -0.0436309 0.0167647 0.00639526 0.0117759 0.0568235 -0.0248982 0.13497 0.0567944 -0.0229012 -0.0408141 -0.0402232 0.0405853 0.0392214 0.0507376 0.0286319 0.156024 0.0432244 0.0717968 -0.0450222 -0.102999 -0.0308226 -0.04283 -0.0578854 0.09673 -0.130118 0.032944 -0.0796598 -0.0116373 -0.0218446 -0.045581 -0.0606595 0.0612557 0.0203598 0.00940536 -0.0972261 -0.127709 -0.0637216 -0.0344415 0.06782 -0.0542321 -0.0767841 0.00607104 -0.0165149 -0.0389835 -0.083485 0.0884749 0.0553485 -0.0678692 -0.00275095 0.0615377 -0.0204389 0.00359157 -0.0701532 -0.025632]
Traceback (most recent call last) in
175 loss.backward()
176 #通过minimize函数,让程序根据loss,完成一步对参数的优化更新
--> 177 adam.minimize(loss)
178 #使用clear_gradients函数清空模型中的梯度,以便于下一个mini-batch进行更新
179 skip_gram_model.clear_gradients()
PaddleCheckError: Expected param_dims == ctx->GetInputDim("Grad"), but received param_dims:253854, 300 != ctx->GetInputDim("Grad"):0.
Param and Grad input of AdamOp should have same dimension at [/paddle/paddle/fluid/operators/optimizers/adam_op.cc:65]